Dominion Discipleship Class

Discipleship Classes

Discipleship class is a comprehensive discipleship program that is designed to help build a strong foundation in Christ. A strong Christian foundation is necessary in order to experience God’s total plan for one’s life. The institute comprises of five Dominion Lifestyle levels (DL 100 – DL 500) of detailed Bible instruction to mold new DIC members into disciples of Jesus Christ. OUR PURPOSE To turn converts into disciples and to train disciples to become vibrant members of the body of Christ.

WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU! Through the discipleship program, you can expect to: • Become firmly grounded in the fundamentals of Christianity. • Have a solid bible based foundation upon which to build your great destiny. • Gain a deeper understanding of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and thus be equipped to live as a more effective witness for Him. • Experience a more intimate relationship with the Lord. • Discover and understand your covenant blessings as well as responsibilities as a believer. • Discover how you can maximize your God-given gifts and talents. • Fully understand the unique God-given purpose of Dominion International Center and how you can help accomplish this mission. <br> <br> <br> <br> 


The Five Levels of Discipleship Classes are:

DL100 – New Membership classes 
DL200 – Maturing In God’s service 
DL300 – Discovering My Ministry   
DL400 – Discovering My Destiny    
DL500a – Perfecting Holiness 1      
DL500b – Perfecting Holiness 2